Happy Hump-Day! Man, 75 degrees and a slight breeze? What a great day! Great for biking, open windows, sunroof open on car, and a run!
Thought to find a good meal that is quick, easy and light. You have time to come by QuickFill Propane today at 620 W Coliseum Blvd. to refill your Propane gas tank: 20 lbs for $11.92! Tell Don you hear about us on Social Media.
Todays YUM-tastic meal includes Bacon: even Vegetarians have a hard time avoiding Bacon, the gateway meat!
BBQ Bacon Chicken Kabobs
These smoky yet sweet BBQ Bacon Chicken Kabobs require very little preparation and are easy to clean up.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 8 minutes
Total Time 13 minutes
- 1 lb chicken cut into bite size pieces
- 1/2 lb bacon strips
- 1 red pepper chopped
- 1 onion chopped